Facility Reservations | Instructions for Non-school Groups
The instructions below pertain to all nonschool groups, INCLUDING parent/booster organizations for school teams, youth feeder groups, and all other requestors.
To request use of district facilities, please review information provided below and complete the registration process
Prior to completing the application, please read Board Policy 707 (revised) which contains important information pertaining to use of school facilities. It is requestor’s responsibility to read and follow information in policy.
Procedures to request use of facilities:
The Wilson School District utilizes Event Manager to book and manage all facility rentals. To be considered for a WSD facility reservation, the organization must first register as an “organization” in the Event Manager system. If you have not already done this, please click here for instructions on how to register.
After registering the organization in our system, please click here to begin the event reservation process.
For a detailed overview of how to utilize the system to reserve your event, including a tutorial video, please click here.
Certificates of Liability Insurance
As noted previously, if any outside entities/vendors/providers of rented equipment, etc., will be at your event, those entities are required to submit certificates of liability insurance (minimum $1 million policy). The event reservation online form will request that you upload your insurance document.
These entities include, but are not limited to, DJs, photographers, videographers, food vendors, food caterers, moonwalk providers, carnival ride/game providers, providers of rented equipment, etc.
Please advise the school and the Facilities Scheduler facilitiesscheduler@wilsonsd.org as soon as possible if there will be any outside entities at the event. Certificate of liability insurance requirements:
- Certificate holder must be listed as: Wilson School District, 2601 Grandview Blvd., West Lawn, PA 19609
- Certificate must state that the Wilson School District is an additional insured
- 30 days written notice of policy cancellation
- See SAMPLE CERTIFICATE attached for limits (minimum $1 million policy required), etc.
Please contact the Facilities Scheduler facilitiesscheduler@wilsonsd.org for assistance in obtaining the certificates.
UNLESS NOTIFICATION OF CANCELLATION IS RECEIVED WITHIN 48 HOURS OF AN APPROVED EVENT (to FacilitiesScheduler@wilsonsd.org or 610-670-0180 x1223), applicant will be responsible for all fees after the request has been approved.
Rental Fees
See schedules of rental rates:
- Athletic Facility Rental Rates (updated Feb, 2021)
- Auditorium Rental Rates (updated Feb, 2021)
- Roy G Snyder Natatorium Rental Rates (updated Feb, 2021)
- Room Rental Rates (updated Feb, 2021)
Custodial and or Groundscrew Fees
If your event falls on a date/time when a custodian or groundsperson does not work regular hours (typically Saturdays and Sundays during months school is in session; typically weeknights, Saturdays and Sundays and possibly weekdays during the summer), a custodian must be assigned. In addition to any other fees, you will also be charged a staffing fee to have a custodian or groundsperson on duty (time-and-a-half + fringe benefits x number of hours worked -– including all setup time, cleanup time, etc).
If a custodian must be pulled from regular duties to assist with an event (setup, etc.), staffing fees will also be charged.
Per Board Policy 707 (attached), “The user shall agree to…8. Responsibility for cleaning the room or area, unless the school district assigns a custodian and makes a charge for this service, properly arranging furniture, turning off lights, and locking doors.” PLEASE NOTE — Staffing fees will be charged if school staff must perform these duties, even if the event falls during regular custodial working hours, as it will take the custodian away from regular duties.
Lifeguarding Fees
If your request involves use of the pool, you will be invoiced after the event for lifeguarding fees, as well as rental fees.
Kitchen Staffing Fees
As noted previously, if use of a kitchen or kitchen equipment is needed, please note this on the application. Once this is noted on the application, it is necessary to contact Wilson SD Catering 610.670.0180 X3250 or catering@share.wilsonsd.org as soon as possible to discuss your needs. This contact ensures the space is properly scheduled and available for your event.
Materials Fees
You will be advised of material fees, such as paint to line fields, etc., if necessary.
Lights & Sounds Fee
You will be advised of any “lights and sounds” fee, stagehand staffing fee, etc., if applicable. Use of auditorium may not be granted if stagehand is not available on the date of event.
Certificates of Liability Insurance
Your organization is required to submit a certificate of liability insurance (minimum $1 million liability policy) if facilities will be used. Please see following information:
- Certificate holder must be listed as: Wilson School District, 2601 Grandview Blvd., West Lawn, PA 19609
- Certificate must state that the Wilson School District is an additional insured
- Certificate must indicate that 30 days written notice of policy cancellation will be provided
- See SAMPLE CERTIFICATE for limits, etc.
If you have questions concerning the certificate, please advise and we will be happy to put you in contact with our insurance agent for further explanation.
ADDITIONALLY, if any outside entities/vendors/providers of rented equipment, etc., (such as, but not limited to, DJs, photographers, videographers, food vendors, food caterers, moonwalk providers, carnival ride/game providers, providers of rented equipment, etc.) will be at your event, those vendors must be approved and will also be required to submit certificates of liability insurance. When submitting the application, please advise if there will be any outside vendors.
PROJECTORS – Cart projectors are NOT available for use.
SUNDAY USE – Board policy limits use of school facilities on Sundays to the hours of 9:00 am – 8:00 pm.
The schools are closed on holidays.
Additionally, if schools are closed, or become closed during the course of a day (due to inclement weather, etc.), use of school facilities is also cancelled.
If you have any questions, please contact the Facilities Scheduler facilitiesscheduler@wilsonsd.org or 610-670-0180 x1223.
Thank you. We look forward to assisting you!