We are happy to announce the formation of Wilson Gifted Education Network. This group is being developed to address an identified need and expressed interest in forming an organization in support of the children, parents and teachers of gifted children in the Wilson School District.
Our school district is sizable, with a diverse student population of nearly 6000. Applying a normal distribution, we should have about 270 gifted students identified and receiving services. The state mandates gifted education through Chapter 16 and it falls under special education, but provides little, if any funding to support it. In these trying economic times everyone is being asked to do more with less.
The initial vision for the Wilson Gifted Education Network is to develop a cooperative and collegial relationship within the gifted community and with the district. Its concept is to provide a forum for networking, brain storming, development of resources, and to promote educational opportunities not only within Wilson, but hopefully beyond, and for all grade levels.
It can be overwhelming to be a parent of a gifted learner, since the issues surrounding them are unique, and extend beyond the classroom. Not all families have the resources to provide the enrichment beyond the school environment or possess the knowledge of where to look for those opportunities. Through this organization we would like to facilitate opportunities and provide information for parents, teachers and children to enhance the educational experience.
In addition, we are exploring the possibility of having this group become a Pennsylvania Association of Gifted Education (PAGE) Affiliate. This would expand our resources and voice. We can have a pre affiliate status with just a few members but need to have 10 registered members within the group to qualify as an affiliate. I have personally been a member of Pennsylvania Association of Gifted Education (PAGE) and the National Association of Gifted Education for the last 6 years. I have found the information provided by these organizations to be highly beneficial for not only supporting the educational needs of gifted children, but also the parenting challenges we all face. Please take the time to check out their web site at www.giftedpage.org.
With today’s busy schedules, made more hectic by our active children; it is essential that Wilson Gifted Education Network operations be as streamlined, yet as effective as possible. We would hope to use technology to lighten the load even from a meeting perspective. Our email address is WilsonGiftedEdNetwork@gmail.com. Even if you are unable to make the meeting but are interested in receiving more information please send us your contact information. You do not need to be a member of PAGE to be part of this organization.
Remember, just by joining you are helping the children gain a stronger voice.
Download the Gifted Education Advisory Committee Comprehensive Research Report – October, 2011