The Wilson Athletic Hall of Fame honors and preserves outstanding athletic achievements by graduates of both Wilson High School and the former Sinking Spring High School.
Coaches, administrators, and others from the Wilson School District community who have made significant contributions to either Wilson High School or the former Sinking Spring High School are eligible for induction into the Hall. The Hall also honors graduating athletes through scholarships based on both academic and athletic excellence, character, and financial need.
Wilson Athletic Hall of Fame Bylaws
We are always accepting nominations for induction, and anyone can nominate a candidate. Please use the following linked form to submit your nomination.
Wilson Athletic Hall of Fame Online Nomination Form
The Wilson Athletic Hall of Fame
(* Deceased)
Click on the year to read biographies.
1986 Inductees
- Fred Franks
- Kate Potteiger
- Greg Fredericks
- Wilbur ‘Lefty’ Reeser*
- Barbara Gallo*
- Michael Reitz*
- Scott Hagy
- Michael Snyder
- Dennis Hepner
- Jay Weitzel
- Jim Lippincott*
- John Weitzel*
1987 Inductees
- Suzanne (Dry) Faller
- Bill Kopp*
- Ellen (Potteiger) Danfield
- Ralph Leininger, Sr.*
- Rick Fehling
- Ralph Leininger, Jr
- John Gurski*
- Michael Reedy
1988 Inductees
- William Brumbach
- Mike Rudolph
- Peter Iaccarino*
- Leroy Schannauer
- Brad Kreisher
- Andy Straka*
1990 Inductees
- Robert Ford
- Randy Simcox
- Dr. Aaron Miller
- Dr. Gerald Slemmer
- Robert Mitzel
- Dewey Troutman
- Thomas O’Neill*
1991 Inductees
- Carl Beidler
- Sue Leinbach*
- H.Y. Brubaker
- Nancy (Keene) Schweigart
- Jim Fehling
- Rick Wardrop
- Roger Gallo
1992 Inductees
- Missy (Sallade) Dickenson
- Barclay Sell
- Bill Fehling
- Robert Sheidy*
- Farrell Franks*
- Patti (Wanner) Smith
- Norman Hopp*
- Don Sweimler
1993 Inductees
- Chris Finch
- Anna Mae (Ruth) Ramsey
- Frank ‘Pete’ Leach
- Steve Schannauer
- Tracy Leinbach
- Scott Weaver*
- Bill Moyer*
- Mike Wenrich
1994 Inductees
- Bill Dry
- Mike Moyer
- Beth Haas
- Ray Pauley*
- Dr. Albert Johnson*
- Brad Ramsey*
- Steve Kreider*
- Robert Shoup
1995 Inductees
- Kerry Collins
- Jim Lewis
- John Delp
- Grant Mahon*
- Tucker DiGuardi
- Brian McCarty
- Marty Flickinger
- Juli Winkler
1996 Inductees
- Anna (Hollenbach) Chase*
- Dr. Lee Schaebler*
- John Gurski, Jr.
- Jake Slemmer
- Dr. Carl Hassler
- Kim (Schroll) Underwood
- Doug Hess
- Glenn Weyman*
1997 Inductees
- Linda Davis
- Frank Kulp*
- Tim Ebbert
- Frank Muenz*
- Kit Fegley
- Dallas Zeiber
- Jim Kirkpatrick
1998 Inductees
- Don Allen
- Forrest Ulrich*
- Mark Cornfield
- Kenneth Wessler*
- Bill Firing
- John Yocum
- Gary Leach
1999 Inductees
- Barbara (Batzel) Flamm
- Norman Sensenig*
- Drew Keiser
- Steve Smith
- Patricia Ori
- John Spadafora
- Rich Romich*
2000 Inductees
- Todd Bradburn
- John Schweigart
- Nancy (Kulp) Green
- Peter Schreck
- William Morgan
- Michael Sensenig
- Amy (Hite) Ravel
2001 Inductees
- Tony Cianci
- Marvin ‘Whitey’ Moyer
- Steve Copeland*
- Reggie Weiss
- Bridget (Burkot) Edwards
- Sue Zimmerman
- Wayne Hassler
2002 Inductees
- Katie (Kauffman) Beach
- Jeff Niedrowski
- Kristen (Overturf) Faison
- Jim Sandor
- Jason Gibble
- Robert Shaak*
- Mandy Kauffman
- Tom Ulrich*
2003 Inductees
- Chris Adams
- Raquel Laino
- Greg Allushuski
- Jack Ledbetter
- Travis Berger
- Mike Moyer
- Julie (Pelchar) Cohen
- Dale Witwer
2004 Inductees
- Robert Gerth
- Brandon Naples
- George Gyomber
- Darcie (Hite) Saar
- Erica (Bosler) Kairis
- Derek Schroll
- Harold Miller
- Shane Stafford
2005 Inductees
- Bob Bright
- Roy Snyder
- Jim Gehman
- Bernie Stoppi
- Glenn Hare
- Scott Troy
- Tom Houck
- Dan Witman
- John Piscitelli
- Ellen Wolf
2006 Inductees
- Steve Dallas
- Megan Lewis
- Jeff Gibble
- Ed Sep
- Kristy Kowal
2007 Inductees
- Sami Bausher
- Carl Dragonette
- Stephanie (Copeland) Mitchell
- John Gilmore
- Doug Dahms
- Molly (Kauffman) Periandi
- Dave Debiec
2008 Inductees
- Alison Baver
- Janice Ott*
- Vicki (Gallen) Schutt
- Vicki Quimby
- Drew Kaufmann
- Adrienne Reese
- Joe Lewis
- Tim Starnes
2009 Inductees
- Ashley (Good) Kaufman
- Erin (Shockley) Holman
- John ‘Doc’ Moyer
- Rick Stehman
- Michael Niedrowski
- Fritz Wenrich
- Jay Nigrini
2010 Inductees
- Marc Deinger
- Jeremy Palm
- Michelle (Ford) Raccuglia
- Sheila (Stufflet) Ressler
- Pete Gilmore
- Dave Ullrich*
- Dave Hause
2011 Inductees
- Alex Auston
- Keith Kowal
- Rajeev Emany
- Jen Miles
- Brett Harbach
- Andy Roland
- Marilyn Heckman
2012 Inductees
- Tony Cipolla
- Doretta Sheaffer
- Bill Haas
- Bruce Vaughan*
- Julia (Kratzer) Menzo
- Kristen (Woodring) Messner
- Jami Sands
2013 Inductees
- Bruce Harbach
- Andy Lehatto
- Justin Houck
- Rachel Napoli
2014 Inductees
- Gary Canner, M.D.
- Sylvester Comparini*
- Barbara Heckman*
- Chad Henne
- Kristi Kauffman
- George Mack*
- Thomas ‘Rudy’ Ruth
- Harold Slemmer
2015 Inductees
- Aaron Burns
- Kathy Good
- Jodi Huckabee
- Nicole Wojton Lavia
- Vito Ninfo
- Greg Storr
2016 Inductees
- Lora (Zimmerman) Boozer
- Jeff Good
- Tom O’Brien
- Shawn Smith
- Rick Ziska
2017 Inductees
- Ryan Ebner
- Casey Moore
- Michael Rutt
- Josh Smith
- Jessica (Smilko) Stuckey
2018 Inductees
- Chelsea Beck
- Dave Moyer
- Doug Myer
- Vanessa Rivera
- Samantha Simcox
- Patricia Stubblebine
- Nick Woomer
2019 Inductees
- Kristen Renner Dvorscak
- Jesse Ebner
- Tim Fick
- Larry Miles
- Jack Ruth
- Brian Stahl
2020 Inductees
- No inductees due to COVID-19 pandemic
2021 Inductees
- Robert Baldino
- Tyler Beck
- Danny Crigler
- Nick Dragonette
- Doug Ertz
- Lee Fredericks
- Nate Savoy
- Kimberly Sheaffer
- Scott Spatz
2022 Inductees
- Chrissy Davidson
- Kevin Ford
- Ali Miller Javier
- Travis Mosser
- Hilary Yoh
2023 Inductees
- Adam Bainbridge
- Sarah Deck
- Rodney Hill
- Caitlyn Karr
- Patrick Zerbe