Subjects: Honors Biology,
College Prep Biology,
Standards Biology
Ed Ulmer
Department: Science
Grade: 10, 11, 12, 9
Gregory Brooks
Department: Science
Grade: 10, 11, 12
Subjects: Physics
Organizations: West Girls Basketball Coach,
Science Olympiad Advisor,
Ski Club Advisor
Gregory Durland
Department: Science
Grade: 10
Subjects: CP Chemistry,
Health Science,
Organic Chemistry
Organizations: West Girls Soccer Assistant Coach,
High School Rifle Team Head Coach,
Weight Room Supervisor,
Athletic Security,
Detention Proctor
Heather Adams
Department: Science
Joe Melograna
Department: Science
Grade: 10, 11, 12, 9
Subjects: Honors ISTEM Physics
Organizations: Freshmen Boys Basketball,
Science Fair Advisor,
Science Olympiad Coach
Justin Raffauf
Department: Science
Grade: 10, 11, 12, 9
Subjects: Anatomy and Physiology,
Keith Duda
Department: Science
Grade: 10, 11, 12
Subjects: AP Physics C Mechanics,
AP Physics C Electricity & Magnetism,
The Physics of Astronomy,
CP Physics
Monica Petrous
Department: Science
Salvatore Pugliese
Department: Science
Samantha Cherry
Department: Science
Grade: 10
Tyler Small
Department: Science
Grade: 11
Subjects: In CP Bio, we will be learning about life, from the smallest cells to the entire planet! We will be learning about cells and their many jobs that make our daily life possible, our genetic code that makes us who we are, and even entire ecosystems. Biology can be a very challenging topic, but together we will be successful! ,
Environmental sustainability will focus on three key issues facing our world today: We will be learning about the water crisis, the lack of food for a growing population, and renewable resources. Within each topic, we will be working together to research the issues and some potential solutions, developing our own solutions, and working on projects to test those solutions. This course is heavily based on research, inquiry based learning and group projects.,
Please let me know what I can do to help you in any way possible. My contact information can be found under my profile.
Organizations: I run three different clubs here at Wilson:,
The Wilson Ultimate Frisbee club is a club that I started from the ground up. Ultimate Frisbee has always been a passion of mine. Ultimate Frisbee is a fun, fast paced sport that is growing in popularity. It is available to all students, boys and girls, and all grades. Everyone is welcome to join in on the fun. In this club, I will teach students how to properly throw a frisbee and improve their skills, learn about the rules of the game and how to play, and participate in some friendly competition. am the coach and adviser of the this club, so if you are interested in joining, please contact me and I can send you some more information. ,
The Students for Sustainability club is a brand new club that allows students to learn about how to make Wilson a more sustainable school. Together, we will work on many different projects and initiatives throughout the year to educate other students about proper sustainable practices and improve the sustainability of Wilson. This club is open to all students who are interested in the environment or would like to make a difference in the world. If you would like to join this club, please contact me for more information. ,
The Smash Club is a video game club that focuses on friendly competition in Super Smash Brothers from the Nintendo. The club meets with me every couple of weeks from 3-5 after school so students can compete against each other and have fun interacting. If you would like to join this club, contact me for more information.