Welcome to the Wilson School District Science Department!
Adams, Heather
Blass, Andrew
Bright, Andrew
Brooks, Gregory
Cherry, Samantha
Duda, Keith
Durland, Gregory
Farina, David
Ferry, Alyssa
McNamara, Breana
Melograna, Joe
Petrous, Monica
Pugliese, Salvatore
Raffauf, Justin
Schmidt, Deanna
Small, Tyler
Ulmer, Edwin
Our Vision is to create a community of inquiry where both students and teachers are empowered to wonder together and pursue their curiosities through the exploration of science.
Our Mission is to engage students in an inquiry based curriculum that fosters the problem-solving and communication skills needed to actively participate as both citizens of a democratic society and a dynamic global community.
Department Supervisor
Mike Dillon
610-670-0185 ext. 5027
STEM Academy: CLICK HERE to view the STEM Academy requirements.
Prerequisite: None
Credits: 1
Anatomy and Physiology explores the structures and functions of the systems comprising the human body. An equal emphasis will be placed on physiological mechanisms as Read More…
Prerequisite: College Prep or Honors Chemistry
Credits: 0.5
Biomedical Technology is an introduction to the expanding field of BioMedical Technology. This course provides students with the tools for practical success in the field Read More…
Prerequisite: Honors Biology and Honors Chemistry
Credits: 1.6
AP Biology is the equivalent of a college introductory biology course. Learning outcomes include a grasp of science as a process of inquiry; recognition of Read More…
Prerequisite: None
Credits: 1
College Prep Biology is an introductory course to the study of biology. The major concepts of Biology will be explored such as biochemistry and the Read More…
Prerequisite: None
Credits: 1
Honors Biology is an introductory course designed for students who are planning a career in science as well as a foundational course for students who Read More…
Prerequisite: Honors Chemistry
Credits: 1.4
AP Chemistry is an in-depth study of the mole concept, stoichiometry, thermochemistry, acid-base theory, chemical equilibrium, and kinetics. Course materials and laboratory experiences are based Read More…
Prerequisite: Algebra I
Credits: 1
College Prep Chemistry is a study of the structure and composition of matter and the changes that matter undergoes during chemical reactions. Students will develop Read More…
Prerequisite: Algebra II taken concurrently or previously
Credits: 1
Honors Chemistry is an in-depth study of the structure and composition of matter and the changes that matter undergoes during chemical reactions. The topics covered Read More…
Prerequisite: Honors Biology and Honors Chemistry taken concurrently or previously
Credits: 1.2
AP Environmental Science is the equivalent of an introductory environmental science college course. Emphasis is placed on the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to Read More…
Prerequisite: Introduction to Engineering Design or Principles of Engineering (for Engineering Students only)
Credits: 1
In ES, students investigate and design solutions in response to real-world challenges related to clean and abundant drinking water, food supply issues, and renewable energy. Read More…
Prerequisite: None
Credits: 1
Forensic Science explores the world of science in a completely new way! This course applies science to the criminal justice system. Content includes crime investigation Read More…
Prerequisite: None
Credits: 0.5
Health Science applies the fundamentals of general science to investigate careers in the health care industry. The course will explore a wide array of health Read More…
Prerequisite: Students must be enrolled in iSTEM to participate in this course
Credits: 1
In this integrated course the projects drive the content that is presented. Traditionally, projects are devised to supplement the content that is being taught. Project Read More…
Prerequisite: College Prep Chemistry or Honors Chemistry
Credits: 0.5
Materials Science explores the relationships between the structure and properties in all classes of substances including metals, ceramics, electronic materials, and bio-materials. The course investigates Read More…
Prerequisite: College Prep Biology or Honors Biology
Credits: 0.5
Microbiology explores the world of bacteria, virus, and fungi and their influence on humans. Microbe-related topics include disease, bio-terrorism, food production, biotechnology, and ecology. With Read More…
Prerequisite: College Prep Chemistry or Honors Chemistry
Credits: 0.5
Honors Organic Chemistry explores not only the nomenclature of organic compounds but also the relationship between structure and function, classes of reactions, reaction mechanisms, synthesis Read More…
Prerequisite: Algebra II taken concurrently or previously
Credits: 1
College Prep Physics provides a conceptual overview of the basic principles of mechanics, electricity, light, sound, and wave mechanics. Laboratory work reinforces the subject material. Read More…
Prerequisite: Algebra II taken concurrently or previously
Credits: 1
Honors Physics is a traditional physics course that provides the basis for college physics classes and the AP courses: kinematics (1D, 2D, and circular motion), Read More…
Prerequisite: Honors Pre-calculus or Calculus taken concurrently or previously
Credits: 1.2
AP Physics E/M is an in depth study of the basic concepts of electromagnetism. Mathematical aspects of vector components, vector products, trigonometric functions, and calculus Read More…
Prerequisite: Honors Pre-calculus or Calculus taken concurrently or previously
Credits: 1.2
AP Physics is an in-depth study of the basic concepts of mechanics. Mathematical aspects of vector components, vector products, trigonometric functions, and calculus will be Read More…
Prerequisite: None
Credits: 1
The Physics of Astronomy investigates our solar system, stars and their evolution, galaxies and the universe as a whole will be studied. Laboratory investigations and Read More…
Prerequisite: None
Credits: 0.5
Science, Ethics, and Contemporary issues is an analysis of the issues, events, scientific research and global influences of current scientific developments. This course explores the Read More…Courses
Anatomy and Physiology – CP
Bio Medical Technology – Honors
Biology – AP
Biology – CP
Biology – Honors
Chemistry – AP
Chemistry – CP
Chemistry – Honors
Environmental Science – AP
Environmental Sustainability – Honors
Forensic Science – CP
Health Science – CP
iSTEM Physics – Honors
Materials Science – CP
Microbiology – CP
Organic Chemistry – Honors
Physics – CP
Physics – Honors
Physics Electricity And Magnetism – AP
Physics Mechanics – AP
Physics Of Astronomy – CP
Science, Ethics, and Contemporary Issues – CP