Welcome to the West Middle School Counseling Department!
Heydt, Haley
Werley, Matt
Ms. Heydt
Counselor (M-Z)
610-670-0180 ext. 4245
Mr. Mathew Werley
Counselor (A-L)
610-670-0180 ext. 1312
Counseling Resources
This is a great resource and reminder of exactly where your middle schooler is at right now.
- If you’re frustrated or just want to understand why, this may help: http://www.education.com/topic/developmental-milestones-ages-10-13/
- Anxiety – Quick resource for parents whose children are struggling with anxiety: http://www.education.com/magazine/article/child-anxiety/
- Tips for getting your middle schooler out of bed: http://www.empoweringparents.com/My-Kid-Wont-Get-Out-of-Bed-Stop-the-Morning-Madness-Now.php#
- Understanding your Generation Z student: https://docs.google.com/a/share.wilsonsd.org/document/d/1-FwCQSK4ceEbBsg-4gc6EikeBdKP_ZiApxNcfqNYMug/edit
- Common Sense Media – Great resource for any and all social media and online concerns: https://www.commonsensemedia.org/