Please see below the suggested supplies :
School Supplies
The following are suggested materials for the sixth grade:
- One 1 to 1 1/2 – inch three ring binder with pockets
- One pack of dividers (do not label them, most are for math class)
- Two 3 – holed spiral notebook (math & science)
- A 3 – holed pencil case (with pencils)
- *Math- TI 30 calculator – please clearly label calculators with your name using a permanent marker (available at Walmart, Staples, Target, Amazon, etc.)
- An 8 pack of colored pencils
- Fiskar scissors or other school appropriate scissors
- Tissues, hand sanitizer or Clorox wipes~~donations to your homeroom teacher are appreciated but not required.
Suggested 7th grade supply list:
- One spiral lined notebook
- A 2 pocket folder
- A Texas Instruments calculator model TI-30xII (optional)
- 1 ½ inch (or larger) 3 ring binder with 3-pack of dividers (unlabeled)
- Several pencils (for home and school)
- Erasers