Dear Parents,
Spring Ridge will be participating in the SchoolStore program again this year. I want to give a big Thank You to everyone who participated in this program last year! The money we received helped to purchase recess equipment for our students. For those of you who are new to the SchoolStore, this online program helps our school earn cash without students selling door-to-door, collecting money or delivering products. Over 400 merchants, including Sears, Target and, have joined together to offer up to 50% of sales to our school for shopping through
To shop and support our school, simply go to and select our school.
Participation is key in helping get the word out about our School Store. Soon your child will come home with a parent letter requesting you to help them enter email addresses to friends and family. When you send email invitations you’ll receive a prize code your child can return the next day for a prize. Thank you for your families support to our school.