We are using a Math program called EveryDay Mathematics, the University of Chicago School Mathematics Project.
The program offers the opportunity to explore certain areas of Math on a daily basis. These areas include calendar activities, tallying/graphing, weather observation, daily counting and numbers, and place value.
In this program we also explore:
- Adding/Subtracting
- Coins and Values
- Telling Time
- Graphing
- Patterning
- Measuring
- Counting by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s
- Numeral Identification and Writing
Language Arts
Our Language Arts Curriculum encompasses a variety of components seeking to meet the needs of our children’s wide range of abilities and skills.
Our curriculum includes:
- Big Books
- Mini-books
- Phonemic Awareness
- Sight Word Vocabulary (Word Wall Words)
- Concepts About Print
- Thematic Literature
- Kid Writing
- Shared Writing
Social Studies
This year we are introducing a new Social Studies program entitled, “Friends and Neighbors” by Macmillan/McGraw-Hill .
Units included in our curriculum are:
- Culture – “Friends and Family”
- Government – “Working Together”
- History – “Things Change”
- Citizenship – “I Am A Citizen”
- Economics – “People Work”
- Geography – “Where We Live”
- Holidays and special events are also included throughout the Kindergarten year.
This year we will be learning about the following science topics:
- Color Mixing
- Body parts/ Five Senses
- Animals
- Fire Safety
- Winter
- Magnets
- Plants
- Sun, Moon and Earth
- All year long
- Weather/Seasons
We will be using the Harcourt Science Program to teach some of the science units.