Continuing with our cherished Wilson tradition, we invite you to take part in our annual Valentines for Vets community service activity. This initiative involves collecting Valentines to be distributed to Veterans who have selflessly served to protect the freedoms we hold dear. By participating, you’ll send a message of pride and goodwill to the men and women who have given so much for our country.
We welcome Valentines from everyone—students, families, groups, or organizations such as Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, swim teams, chess clubs, mom groups, bowling teams, Spanish clubs, and more. Please share this opportunity with your friends and family!
To participate, simply design, decorate, and write Valentines. The more, the better! A few special requests from the Veteran’s Hospital for the Valentines:
- Use glitter, sequins, etc. sparingly.
- Consider creating Valentines in different languages!
Need help getting started?
- Follow this link for some creative inspiration:
- Click on the links below to print and color Valentines for Vets coloring pages:
Please send or deliver your Valentines to school by Tuesday, February 4th, to allow time for sorting and delivery by Valentine’s Day. If your class or organization would like to participate, please send/deliver Valentines to Pamela VanOstenbridge at Cornwall Terrace Elementary School, 3100 Iroquois Avenue, Sinking Spring.
Questions? Email Pamela at
Thank you for your participation!
Fröhlichen Valentinstag!