Please follow us on Facebook for real-time updates regarding PTO specific events and general information.
PTO Email address:
2023-2024 Executive Board Members
President: Erika Witlox
Vice President: Katie Stine
Secretary: Dayna Bella
Treasurer: Jen Lengyel
One Wednesday/month at 6:30 pm. This is usually the 1st Wednesday of the month unless it conflicts with a Book Fair or other school event. We welcome all parents & guardians to attend. Check out the CT Google Calendar from the home page of the CT website to find the link to CT events.
Sample Events
- Winter Dance
- Bookfairs
- Bingo & Books
- Dine & Donate Family Nights
- Holiday House
- Amusement Park Ticket Sales
- Movie Nights
- Fun Run
- and more!
Pretzel Days
Soft Pretzels from the Philadelphia Pretzel Factory are usually on sold the third Friday of each month. To receive a pretzel(s), students must send a note with the pretzel order and money in an envelope to school by the third Thursday of each month (the day before). Pay with cash or check (payable to Cornwall Terrace PTO).
$1.00 – Regular Soft Pretzel