With school well underway and most families familiar with our general morning drop off process, we want to share a few reminders. We hope reviewing these key points will help new family members who drop off their student for the first time. And we hope it will help our new families who move into our building throughout the year.
- Please drop your students after 8:20 am when staff members are outside.
- Doors open at 8:30 am, rain or shine.
- Students may enter in the front or rear entrance. Younger students tend to use the front entrance. Older students tend to use the back entrance. If the weather is not pleasant, know the back entrance is covered with an awning.
- School starts at 8:45 am.
- Students are late at 8:50 am.
- Use the crosswalk and follow the directions of our staff. They will cross you or ask you to wait until traffic is stopped. They’re doing their best to make sure all 550+ students are safely in the building in 15 minutes.
- Stay on the sidewalk walking closest to the grass and away from the curb for safety.
- Wait in a line along the grass to allow others to safely trek across the sidewalk to the end of the line.
When you pull through the drop off line in the front of the building:
- Pull up as close to the Auditorium entrance as possible.
- Students in all cars stopped at the sidewalk between the Auditorium and top of the driveway should exit the passenger side of the car and walk in the front doors.
- If you need to park, get out of your car, or otherwise impede the flow of traffic in the drop off lane, our staff will kindly ask you to park in a legal space in our lot and escort your child across the crosswalk to the front of the building. They actively manage the crosswalk in front of the building to move cars and people through the area safely and efficiently. Traffic that backs up at the intersection of Iroquois Avenue and our driveway creates a significant safety risk. And, unlike any other building in our district, we share the driveway with a middle school.
When you pull through the drop off line in the back of the building:
- Pull up near, but not into, the crosswalk for walkers.
- Students in all cars stopped at or near the sidewalk should exit the passenger side of the car and line up at the back door to walk into school.
- If you need to park, get out of your car, or otherwise impede the flow of traffic in the drop off lane, please park in a legal space in our lot and escort your child to the back walkway. If you know in advance that your child will need assistance with a musical instrument, project, donations, and such, consider dropping of your child in the front of the building where the parking lot is much closer to the door.
Thank you in advance for your help as you partner with us to keep your children safe!